Saturday, June 09, 2007

T-shirt folding machine -Probably the best thing to come out of France ever!

This video from All-Tribes shows how to make an amazing t-shirt folding machine just by using cardboard and a packing tape. People are getting lazy when they need help folding t-shirts. For those that never understood the "ninja folding technique" someone has created a new way to help us all have their clothes tidy. It's quite clever using just a few planks of cardboard. It is very useful and no college dorm room should exist without one of these t-shirt folding machine. It's quicker and the simplest method to properly fold your t-shirt like a pro.

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The tshirt machine,
Oh the tshirt machine.
Most amazing device that has ever been seen!
Just turn the knob,
Put in a dime.
Slide in your shirt and in ten seconds time,
Your tshirt comes out!
See? Neat and clean as can be!

"Constructed almost entirely out of cardboardium alloy."

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